
Sunday, April 22, 2007

Parents' visiting class

I had a special class yesterday....
Because yesterday was "parents' visiting class"(参観日).

It was a big event for me, because it was the first day that I met students' parents, and showed my class for them.
In addition, the class I teached was math. It is a subject that I hate the most!!!
I don't know the reason why, but I can't understand math class and don't like math from a child...

It is unbelievable fact that my school does research into math education.(^^;)
But it is fact. I just have to do it!!!

Friday night, I came back home at 8.
I had still bothered about next day's class. I was very worried because I couldn't image the flow of the class.
It took some hours to make myself clear about the class, but I thought that everything may be OK!

The next day morning, I received an e-mail from C-chan, she had a same event the day.
She said "Yarushikanai" (やるしかない!!)

When we are worried about something, she always say this word!!
It is magic password for us. (^^)/

The class was over. Goody!!!!!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

☆1st week☆

My first week as a teacher was finished!!
I have been very busy everyday.... I have not known that teachers have lots of work to do but preparering for classes. But I could talk with my students everyday, play together, and know each other gradually. I am so happy! They are all very pretty!!!

I have 5 or 6 classes a day. I felt it is uneasy to do so many classes everyday,
because at a teacher training, I had only 9 classes a month.

But this 1st week made me notice a big fact☆ It was... NANTOKANARU!!
I think we all are 1st year as a teacher, so we don't have to worry about making mistakes.
We have to do only what we can do!

Yesterday I talked with two of "2006 Thai members" ,Chi-chan and Mr.O. (^o^)
We talked about each teacher's life. I knew they all hang in their work and do their best.
I could refleshed by talking with them. MINNA GANBATTERU!!
Now, I will prepare for this week's classes!!

Friday, April 06, 2007

I became a teacher!!

Hello, everyone!!
Happy news!! I became an elementary school teacher finally!!
So I think I want to write about my life in my elementary school from today.

There are three reasons.
1. I want to record my life as a teacher.
2. I don't want to forget ENGLISH.
3.I want to keep in touch with my teacher Mr.Hall!!

I am sorry but, I will not be able to write weekdays, but I try to write as many as possible☆

Today, we had a 始業式. I was introdused to all of the children, so I was very very nervous!!
I can not remember what I said....(><)

After the ceremony, I went to my classroom and met my students for the first time.
They are 4th grade, 28 children.

Yesterday I wrote a message for them on the blackboard, but they did not know me and who wrote the message untill 始業式(o^з^o) It was a top secret!!!!

As soon as I entered the classroom, they asked me many many questions.
"Can you speak English?" (because, the principal introduced for children I was majoring in English.)
"Do you know our names?"
"What is your favorite food?"
"Can I call you Ayumi sensei?"
"Can you play with me during recess?"

I was surprised at the situation. But I was pretty happy!!
I think I can not forget TODAY forever.