
Sunday, April 22, 2007

Parents' visiting class

I had a special class yesterday....
Because yesterday was "parents' visiting class"(参観日).

It was a big event for me, because it was the first day that I met students' parents, and showed my class for them.
In addition, the class I teached was math. It is a subject that I hate the most!!!
I don't know the reason why, but I can't understand math class and don't like math from a child...

It is unbelievable fact that my school does research into math education.(^^;)
But it is fact. I just have to do it!!!

Friday night, I came back home at 8.
I had still bothered about next day's class. I was very worried because I couldn't image the flow of the class.
It took some hours to make myself clear about the class, but I thought that everything may be OK!

The next day morning, I received an e-mail from C-chan, she had a same event the day.
She said "Yarushikanai" (やるしかない!!)

When we are worried about something, she always say this word!!
It is magic password for us. (^^)/

The class was over. Goody!!!!!


At 3:12 PM, Blogger JH said...

Congratulations to you and Chichan for teaching for your first class in front of parents.


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