
Sunday, October 30, 2005

☆Teacher training in the preschool☆

I have just finished my teacher training in the preschool. It was only 1 week, but I could learn lots of things from the experience.
Preschool is the start of school education. But I found there are many many differences between the preschool and the elementary school.So teachers' task in the preschool is widely different from the one of the elementary school.
The central part of the preschool is "Play". Children were playing from they came to the preschool to they went home. There are no class.
So it is one of the important task for the teachers to make prompt of children's play. Children begin their new play by themselves without teacher's advices. But if there were no prompt, it would be difficult for children to begin their new play. To make the prompt, teachers have to see childeren' s individual play and expect next day's play. And based on the expectations, teachers prepare many various material in the room and the outside to broaden their play.
It is uncertain expectations because children's play are change one after another, but it is essential to create a good play.
In contrast to the preschool, the central part of the elementary school is "Study" I think. It is a difference, but I think it is also important task for elementary school teachers to make prompt of students' study.


At 12:50 PM, Blogger JH said...

Very interesting post. I did not know that a pre-shool teacher's primary job was to be a facilitator of children's play. I think that children can really learn a lot through play. I am also interested to hear your opinion about the elementary school curriculum; can you explain what you meant by your last sentence?
" I think. It is a difference, but I think it is also important task for elementary school teachers to make prompt of students' study. "


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